Thursday, March 12, 2015

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Passé Composé Parce que Imparfait

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Hello Mom and Dad,

Recently, a shooting occurred in Paris where twelve people died in response to a french newspaper's depiction of Muhammad.  Many people are attempting to take a "side" on this issue, which I think is pointless.  Everybody is in agreement that what happened is tragic, and what is most important here is to remain strong when acts of terror such as this occur.  The shootings occurred because the newspaper depicted Muhammad, something that goes against the Muslim religion.  The issue that was printed immediately following the shootings, also featured a depiction of Muhammad, this time holding a sign saying "Je Suis Charlie." This shows that the newspaper does not give in to terrorist threats, and will not give up their right to free speech.  It was a powerful message displayed by the newspaper, and one that shows the integrity and strength of the publication.
Some people might argue that if you don't want things like this to happen, then you shouldn't poke fun at groups with such strongly held opinions.  However, I think that the publication made the right choice in showing another picture of Muhammad; not because it was a nice thing to do, but because it showed that they won't give up their right to free speech simply because some people get upset about what gets printed.

Andy Strike